Feeling left out really sucks. It's something almost everyone goes through at some point. Whether it's not being invited to something or feeling ignored in a group, it's completely normal to feel hurt by that and question who your friends are. Here is the thing, being left out doesn't mean you aren't important and that you're not valued. Sometimes it's just a misunderstanding that wasn't intentional. And if it is obviously intentional. Those aren't your friends.
The best way to deal with it is by talking about it with your friends. That is the most mature thing to do. Even if you don't want to do that, stand up and just do it because at the end of the day that is where you find out who your true friends are and communication is the most important thing in friendships/relationships. A lot of the times friends don't even realize they made you feel excluded. So to make things clear, a conversation about how you feel helps.
But while that's going on, remember to be kind to yourself, don't doubt yourself, don't make yourself thing you're worthless or not good enough for your friends. Because you're awesome, I promise you. Always know your worth! True friends will listen to you and understand you. They aren't your friends if they act like you're a cry baby or you're being dramatic. They aren't your friends if they don't care enough to talk about it with you or make themselves the victim.
Now if it is intentional, that is 100% not your friends and you are better off. Don't surround yourself with people who aren't good for you. If it is a consistent thing that's going on and you don't understand why they won't invite your or include you in anything, leave them. Do it for yourself. Sometimes you have to understand and learn that putting yourself first in situations like this is ok. Because at the end of the day, they don't even deserve you. You are better than that and you ARE enough. Never let yourself feel unloved and unwanted by some friends who just want to be lame. You are loved and worth more than those lame people. Choose those who chose you.
If you have any questions or want to hear more, message me! I also post on Tik Tok and instagram where I can answer any questions!