You're seen. You're heard. And you're loved. It's ok to not be ok. Tough moments will be thrown your way.
It's so incredibly easy to feel like you're alone or that you're dramatic and need to "get over it." But truth is, everyone struggles. If you're struggling, it doesn't mean you're weak or unworthy of love.
You are so loved no matter what you are going through because what you are going through makes you human! If you are finding it hard to cope, know that it's ok to ask for help. Reach out to someone. Talking to someone can help you be reminded that you aren't alone. Make sure to take care of yourself. Getting enough rest, staying active, doing small things that make you feel good can make a big difference.
You are so much more than what you have been through and what you are going through. Never forget that you were put on this earth for a reason. Love your neighbors. Love everyone around you. You are loved just as you are. Feeling depressed, anxious, lonely, etc all suck. Really really suck.
The feeling sometimes just makes you want to not do anything or get anything done. It's ok to not understand why you are the way you are. You won't always have the answers. But the way you are, is the way you were made.
You are lovable whether you have done bad things or not. It's all about growth. Patience with healing is important, you have to grow through everything you're going through. But just because you are going through stuff or feeling like everyone and everything is against you doesn't make you any less worthy. There is a plan for you.
You are meant to be here. Always stay positive and know you are not alone. Love yourself! & Love your neighbor, as they may be struggling just as you are.
Thank you for reading! If you need someone to talk to or want to message me make sure to follow me on socials or write me a message on my website! You're loved!